By Mary Flaws, owner
Most consulting companies like Delta Computer Solutions are named after the principal person: Smith Consulting Services, or Smith and Associates. But, in 1990 when I married Bill Flaws and decided to take his last name, I sealed my fate that I would not be able to name a company using my last name. Flaws and Associates just doesn't quite bring the image I'd like to convey.
I decided I wanted to name the company Something Computer Solutions. I just had to figure out what Something would be. I needed a good first word. I racked my brain for days trying to come up with something good. No luck.
So, I decided to ask the smartest man in the world - my dad. I called him up, explained the something Computer Solutions dilemma. He thought for about 5 seconds and said "Delta."
Delta is a regional buzz-word in Midland Michigan, where I grew up. I believe it refers to the delta of the Saginaw River where it dumps in to Lake Huron. I fell in love with that name. It's a nod to the area where I grew up, and to my dad.